Friday 5 March 2010

A New Beginning

I saw a new-born lamb yesterday, the first for me this year. Like these snowdrops they are proof that Springtime is finally squeezing it's way into the year, between all the icy temperatures, rain and snow.
Someone I work with said this morning that we should take more care to treasure those special moments in our day to day lives, times that we all too often take for granted. We should, although reading it on Facebook this morning before breakfast set me on that train of thought over and over again, throughout entire the day! It reminded me of something Sam Keen wrote, that he designated specific dates each year to celebrate special things, such as when the lilac came into bloom, much the same way as we might celebrate a birthday. Great idea.
So what did I see today? Two stoats chasing each other down a lane near the Livery Yard where my daughter's pony lives and some buttery Winter Aconites spread over an otherwise gloomy bank in Hexham when I was there doing a spot of food shopping after school. Those two caught my eye.
And tomorrow......

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Blogger, the refugee camp for displaced Photo/Diarists! I am looking forward very much to following your Blog over the coming weeks and months.

    Good luck and have fun....
