Tuesday, 6 April 2010

A Wet and Windy Easter!
Hasn't the last year flown around. Easter already. This photo is of the sky on Saturday, all threatening and moody. The River Tyne was filling up, full of debris and mud, dark and heavy. The new lambs are wearing little polythene raincoats to help prevent hypothermia, the 'in' colour this year seems to be bright blue! Our ponies are still sporting outdoor rugs and are no doubt looking forward to being rug-free when the sun decides to come out. Watch this space.
We have had a reasonably idle Easter. Good Friday was a horse riding day. The girls went out in the morning and luckily missed the rain which came down late afternoon. I took my old collie for a walk, following the ponies. She loved the chance for a longer run out. She gets very stiff these days when she gets cold, 14 years young and still trying to chase rabbits.
On Sunday my children all went to see their father over in Cumbria. The house was very quiet. We had time- and a little sunshine - to make the most of the afternoon. We went out and did some gardening! Tidying up, discovering new shoots, pruning off dead wood, generally doing things. It all looked better afterwards, even though there is still loads to do. One job I am putting off is the pruning of the Rubus cockburnianus, an ornamental 'Blackberry' relative. It is looking quite stunning at the moment, with it's great arching coloured stems and prickly spines. At least I will get lots of cuttings when I do get around to pruning it!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the cloud shot, very atmospheric. The girls look as they are having a good time.
